stan bastard telepaths

hi, welcome to chili'si'm Cass/Bat, they/she, 27, bi ace & polyamcurrently a problematic mcyt and x-men fan who tweets grody smut & stupid aus to her poor captive audience. other fandoms include dc comics (esp bats & flashes) & star wars, which you may not see much of but i'll let y'all know about anyways for when i start ranting.warnings for:
-age gaps/underage
-gore/body horror
i write a lot of dumb shit just for me & am always pleasantly surprised when people want to interact with it, so don't feel shy about replying or sending me a dm, even if we're not mutuals! the link to my ao3 is below, where i post my stupid creations... when i can.thanks y'all, keep it classy & sexy~